
Driving lesson Price Lock guarantee

DKL Price Guarantee*

DKL Driving School will guarantee NOT to increase lesson fees or test fees during the first 3 months of your course.

*Lesson fees and test fees at time of first payment will apply for at least 3 months until test pass or where there is a gap in lessons of more than 30 days.

Amended 07/03/2022.

Driving lesson vouchers

Standard Pay As You Go

1 Hour - £35
90 Minutes - £52
2 Hours - £70


Block Booking Deals

5 Hours £170 - Saving £5
10 Hours £330 - Saving £20
20 Hours £650 - Saving £50

Full amount must be paid on or before 1st lesson to avail of the block booking rate.
You can take the lessons as you wish with a minimum of 1 hour.

See T&Cs below.


Test day fees

L test - £120
Extended test - £140
L tests can be taken at Dill Road Belfast, Balmoral Road Belfast.
Extended tests are taken from Balmoral test centre.
All test day fees include pickup, 1 hour pretest and use of fully insured car for test and return to pickup point.

Note: Practical test fees are payable seperately to DVA directly.

See current test fees here.

Terms & Conditions

Block Bookings
Block bookings must be paid in full on or before first lesson to avail of block discount. Any refund of remaining hours will be charged at the current hourly rate. All hours must be used within 6 months of last block booking payment after which no refunds will be issued.